Contributions AFRICAN LEADERSHIP: Is it The New Leadership Africa is Dreaming Out Loud...

AFRICAN LEADERSHIP: Is it The New Leadership Africa is Dreaming Out Loud ? by Ndiawar Diop

Africa map with ethnic motifs pattern

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Since the politicians have been messing up everything in the continent of Africa, African youngsters are dreaming of a Multifaceted leader who is well prepared to take on every aspect of Running A New Life Style to guide the New Generation to a Better and Secure Future; and not reading scripts and speeches written by the Member of the Bureaucratic System for decades now.

As we all know, African Politicians deal with Super Power People from Western Countries who believe only in Money and Power, while this New African Leader we’re dreaming of will come up with something more Natural and Pure. 

In the Hopes that his connections to the outside world (and the Real people with Heart) will empower the Generation of creativity in Africa and its Diapora. The Rhetorical question that comes out of the mouth of any African Youths, today, is: How can I utilize all my potential in this Twenty First Century ?

Our actual leaders don’t get it. It’s not about speeches anymore, it’s about Creating a Culture of Work-ethics where we can attract the Best Creators, the Best Investors and the Real People (who love Africa) to come and work with us.

This New Leader we’re dreaming of will have to develop a Reputation for being the advocate of African People. A leader who is relentless focused on citizens at the bottom line of poverty and help them raise up. The repetition in failures and the wrong Propaganda of Actual Politicians in Africa are partly the reason why our youths are connecting and working together to oust the Narcissists out of Power. 

Those Brain Washed Mogul constitute an embarrassment of riches connected with the World Mafia Business Operations and Money Trafficker-Deal Negotiators. How can we fix up our Economy with such Predators ? 

However, we, sometimes, need to approach the challenge we’re facing from the point of view of Character; and not with Emotion. We must remember what the great Bob Marley has said in one of his famous song “Who The Cap Fits, Let’s them Wear it”. 

We must start thinking out of the box because it is and it should be about Who Loves More the Country (Continent) and who is ready to sacrifice himself for the Success and Strength of our Nation.

It’s time to face the Trojan Horses that destroy the Economics of Our Continent.Africans need New Leaders with a very strong Team Management Skills, who will connect the rest of the people to work very closely together forever. It’s been centuries now that we are struggling to find that leadership. 

Talk to any youth today, they would tell you that they are tired of Electing A President with Poor Leadership Skills, Talkative and who knows nothing but filling up unnecessarily our Presidential Palace with his friends, families and our enemies while at that very moment African People are having hard times integrating the western world. How can we trust a Leader who cannot even find a spot for himself in the world ?

The fact is our youths are today forced to leave their countries (Continent) for a Voluntary Enslavement and this situation is not appreciate it; what makes it hard to tolerate is that almost everyone is dissing them and/or doesn’t pay attention to them. 

It’s time to fix this issue by facing the real matter because it’s uncertain when and if one day the roiling water will settle.Let’s face it and try our best to determine how our smooth-sailing ship will work out in the real world. Only then, we would know that we tried to be Good Soldiers and Not Step On Toes. Good Luck Africa !

Ndiawar Diop Journalist & African Political Analyst
News Correspondent, News Program Moderator.